Intelligent Mind ˖ Active Body ˖ Kind Heart

In May of 2004 Julie graduated with honors at 19 years of age from the University of South Florida with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education. As the youngest teacher in our state, Julie began her teaching journey in August of 2004. She continues to gain valuable experience and professional honors along the way. ​

The first three years, Julie taught academically challenged children advancing them tremendously by the end of each school year. The next three years, she spent teaching the most advanced children, not just one grade level, but combined grade levels at once, keeping them engaged and challenged! ​

The demands of her teaching responsibilities fueled Julie’s love of teaching and drove her to continue her own education. She earned her first Master of Arts Degree in Reading and is currently enrolled in her second Master’s Program at The University of South Florida where she will obtain a degree in Educational Leadership. ​

After completing yet another, yearlong scholastic program, Julie’s hard work and expertise in teaching paid off in spring of 2008 when she earned the distinctive title of Nationally Board Certified Teacher. In 2009, Julie earned the prestigious honor of being named ‘Highlands County Teacher of the Year’ and represented Highlands County at the state level. The process for this honor began when she was chosen by her peers to represent their school at the county level. All participants then completed a detailed dossier including not only biographical information but also documents detailing their teaching methodology and philosophy. This information was then judged by a professional board of educators and administrators at the county level where Julie was chosen from an elite group of contenders. Julie was a member of the judging process for the following two years. ​

During the 2010-2011 school year Julie experienced two more prestigious positions! First, she became an education professor at the University of South Florida where she instructed upcoming teachers on the fundamentals of reading. She also became a Writing and Math Resource Teacher in Highlands County. In this position she continued to work directly with children, however she was in classrooms, kindergarten through fifth grades, giving lessons on specific technical attributes of math and writing to the classes; modeling proven successful teaching methods for teachers. All teachers met with Julie on a two week cycle to continue training and effective planning. She also kept teachers current and focused on each particular grade level’s learning standards manifested by the State of Florida. Julie absolutely enjoyed the opportunity to work with teachers school-wide and admits the joy of seeing evidences of her training and modeling in classrooms throughout the campus, but the highlight of her day is always the time she spends with the children. ​

After two years of extensive researching, planning, and organizing, Julie founded Alane Academy, a preparatory school in August of 2011. Students are provided with standards based curriculum to meet their individual needs through engaging instruction and activities. At Alane Academy, Julie provides an environment of shared respect and responsibility that prepares students to encounter their world with the combined knowledge of an intelligent mind, an active body, and a kind heart. Julie is delighted to be able to provide such a unique environment to students. ​

At the heart of any classroom experience is its teacher and Julie is a leader who brings energy, creativity and a wealth of knowledge to her students. Her philosophy, simply stated, speaks volumes, “Every child deserves the opportunity to learn in a safe, nurturing, and academically challenging environment.”

Julie Poucher Taylor

Founder and Principal